On Wed Jan 23 2013 Sriram Karra wrote:
> In some instances it has been observed that the strings written to
> the .bbdb file are in vector form containing some fontification
> metadata. For e.g. in the field position for a contact's first
> name, where one would normally expect to find a string "John" one
> finds, instead, this:
> #("John" 0 4 (fontified nil))
> It has been reported that this happens for contacts inserted from
> Gnus using bbdb-mua-display-sender function, although it has not
> been reproducible by others. So it is likely some customization or
> some version-specific behaviour triggering this.

I am sorry, this sounds a bit like a vague fairy tale from nowhere
land. Could you be a bit more specific? Which version of BBDB are
you talking about? Is it your own experience, or are you talking
about someone else?

I guess that text properties can end up in the database itself if
you are using something like (buffer-)substring instead of
(buffer-)substring-no-properties when grabbing a fontified text
string that ends up in BBDB.

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