On Sat May 30 2015 Feng Shu wrote:
> This patch make `string-match' used by `bbdb-search'
> customizable. I use this feature to search Chinese contacts names with
> pinyin. this is a very useful feature for CJK users.

...I am surprised: what is the purpose of replacing string-match
with something else?  (The emacs package chinese-pyim that you are
using seems to be documented in chinese only, which does not help

I can imagine that CJK might sometimes require different solutions
than, say, western languages.  Yet I am not sure whether it is the
right approach to then introduce custom variables like
bbdb-string-match-function to replace string-match in (only) certain
instances by something else.

I mean: string-match is used by emacs in a zillion of places.  If
for some reason this built-in function does not do what you need,
you might want to discuss at emacs-devel whether this can be
improved in a way that will benefit all emacs code.  Or loading the
package chinese-pyim could effectively replace string-match.
(Yet this only works at the lisp level.  There might also be
instances when string-match is called at the C level.)


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