Hi Rick,

Having a few minutes to kill I copied your code into a new BBEdit file, labouriously removed the line numbers (it was only labourious because I'm not very good with grep), then syntax checked the result: 172 errors, 7 warnings and 2 notes. That may be why the code folding engine in BBEdit can't figure out what to do, since it undoubtedly works best on well-structured code.

It looks as if your perl shopping cart is putting out code of less than adequate structure. Probably not much you can do about that unless you can re-knit the poorly purled souce code.


On Oct 10, 2006, at 9:44 AM, Rick wrote:

I just upgraded to v.8.5, specifically for code-folding. However, I don't understand the implementation. Particularly, why I see  automatic recognition (the little triangles in the gutter) of only some of  the tables. I have pasted the entire page below (I've removed most of the content, leaving the tags). The tables on line 25, 27, 58, 66, and 159 are _not_ marked with a "triangle" in the gutter. The other tables have an associated triangle.

I'm working with a canned perl script (a shopping cart), so I'm compelled to use the (ugly) structure shown below for all my pages, to be consistent with the cgi pages. (So please don't laugh out loud). :)

Why aren't all the tables "recognized" in the gutter? Am I missing documentation that should clarify this behaviour?

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