>In "Nettle tea for insect repellant" Allan Balliet wrote:
>My current problem - - one for the whole county - - is massive
>attacks of cucumber beetles. Any suggestions, aside from peppering?

ATTRA has a new publication under final layout on cuke beetles,
which will be soon be available in print and on the web.

Contact the author -- Barabara Bellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-- for details.

How many acres or row feet of cuke crops?
How much $ is the cuke crop worth at 120% yield, 100% yield,
75% yield, 50% yield?
What cultural strategies are you looking at?
What botanical insecticides are you looking at?
How many applications will it take?
What is the cost per application of botanicals?

A promising tactic is the use of cucurbatacin feeding
attractants (e.g., raising certain cuke crops as a trap crop),
accompanied with botanicals.

Just get the ATTRA pub.  It's all there.

Steve Diver

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