In a message dated 11/10/02 10:37:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  Most everyone here thinks I have short

circuited somewhere.  I guess what I wanted to say here is thank you for all

of your thoughts on this site.  I feel so strongly that I am supposed to be

learning these things. Allan spoke in a recent post about creating "sparks"

from your thoughts and I think you have helped me here.  Much goes right

over my head, but some I grasp on a deeper level than even I can really

understand or explain.  I am on a journey to find and support my intuitive

nature (which is the real me) and disconnect  from the logical side that I

have had to learn to function in in my role here.  Hard to do.     >>

Hey Michelle, you have not short circuited, you have plugged in and your 
molecules are getting rearranged.  You have asked for help and you are 
getting it.  Keep doing what you are and questions will be answered, help 
will come when needed.  Soon the same people that doubt your efforts will be 
asking for your help.  Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Create Life and enjoy your "New Farm"...sstorch

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