Dear List,

Of course, writers on this list sometimes disparrage others either on this list or off it. A couple cases in point are:

>> People are using the real preps, (as though homeopathic and radionically prepared preps are not real)

Well I meant real in the sense of substantial living matter. Whatever. There is an obvious difference between these, um..manifestations? of the preps. Obviously the EU thinks so - there seems to be no ban on homoeopathic dilutions or Malcolm Rae cards.

With that said, please let me address certification. We are free to certify or not to.

Like I said in another post - there are those who already have established customers who trust their growers - those growers have no benefit from certification.

Here in the US some of the better known pioneers of the organic movement--Elliott Coleman and myself for two--have opted out of certification

You must be a lot older than I thought Hugh. i thought the pioneers of the organic movement were active world wide in the 1930s,40s and 50s, except for Steiner, who preceded these others by a decade, or more!

now that the government has taken it over by force. Why? We don't want to lend our good names to what we perceive as a prostitution of the founding ideals of the movement. I don't think it has so much to do with size. Some very large growers have a reputation for reliable quality--Lundberg rice, Coleman beef, etc. that far transcends the organic label. Arrowhead Mills had it at one time and hasn't entirely lost it after changing hands.
Otherwise I am in agreement with your other comments on certification. Spot on as we convicts say!
Graeme Gerrard
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