Title: Re: Alex Podolinsky
Hi Glen,
Here in Southern NSW there are 2 farmers I have met who work with Alex.  Both are viable farms supporting families.  I don't know what they were like before they were Demeter though.
I have visited the farms briefly, but I don't know them intimately so I couldn't comment in that way.

I doubt you have met or know Alex.  His reputation is somehow completely different to his actual persona which is charming, educated and humourous.  I too have heard stories of abrupt, tyrannical abusive behaviour, but this has come from people he has pissed off (by definition). When I've dug a little deeper this has mostly been because people were not following Demeter guidelines.
A lot of other stuff has been levelled at him - not recommending 501 etc.  Just read his books - he says it all right there about how necessary 501 is, how it must be used much MORE than usual in some places in Australia, etc.  He's a pretty realistic and down to earth person - his videos don't really portray that.
I confess I asked him if he would visit my farm, with a view to Demeter certification (other certifiers here in Australia are bogged down in bureaucracy and power struggles or rubber stamping jokes lobbied this way and that, in my opinion).  And no, it hasn't escaped my notice that Alex has built a one man empire.  That is just one way of seeing it - Demeter is nothing, without its group of farmers.  There are still farms here that have been Demeter 30 - 40 years and still going strong.

Are the farms he is working with in 'better shape' now than when he started??
If not , no matter how you dress it up, he is just another robber baron.
BdMax distributors of ThermoMax -THE proven frost protection
----- Original Message -----
From: Resonant Info
To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: Alex Podolinsky

I just caught up with Alex a few weeks ago.  He and Frances Porter were doing a tour of Demeter properties up the east coast of Australia, up past the Atherton Tablelands, as far as I know, and back down the coast to Victoria.
He didn't seem like a man to lay back and "enjoy his moment of glory in the sun".  He's still working hard for Biodynamics and is mentally alert and fully on top of things - I don't think there's anything going on here that he isn't aware of, for example.
Alex's priority is with people who are serious about growing food for other people, on a scale he thinks is worth his time and trouble.  He has no time for people who have an "interest" in BD or are just curious.  As he says, there are other vehicles for these people.
I have always been impressed by Alex and even more so at this last meeting.

Dear all,

Could I support James comments on Alex Podolinsky.

He held his lamp high on the hill, when many were cupboard BDers.

He took his beliefs to an unbelieving public, on mainline media, when, even  today, many hide in secrecy and obscure places such as this list.

He has built his own monument, a huge acreage of BD.

I would, that those who seek to belittle him, should hold their hand until they equal his effort. He is not perfect, I know I am not and there are others I think may also have the odd imperfection.


James Hedley wrote:
Greetings to all,
I agree with Hugh about Alex Podolinsky having carried the torch for Biodynamics in Australia for so long.
Even growers, that I have met, who have been asked by Alex to leave the organization never doubt his integrity.
The great service that he has done is to test the limits of the BD techniques that were claimed to be the way to  farm Biodynamically.
Alex Podolinsky oversaw a long term trial that was able to show where the BD system needed to be improved.
Alex was not the only person who went down the predominantly BD500 path. When I first joined the Association generally accepted wisdom was that you should not use BD501 in Australia because there was enough light. Not enough was known about the role of Silica in plant production. Mainstream agronomists are now looking at the role of Silica in production of grasses and crops such as Oats, Barley and Wheat. Times change, old opponents to ideas die off and the new generation without a barrow to push just do it.
We need to allow an old man to enjoy his moment of glory in the sun, thank him for his dedication and pick up the torch and do the work of the day, not criticize and try to pull apart the work that others have done.
James Hedley

Hugh Lovel wrote:
>Hi all
>Finally have heard word that Alex Podolinsky will be talking at the uni in
>Orange on the first weekend of August. Unsure of the details but will post
>these when confirmed. I'd be happy to put questions to him on behalf of
>others. Keeping in mind what Hamish has written; I can't help but think if
>not for this man would there be any Biodynamic groups in Australia today?
>Allan I'll do my best to tape the talk, but you may have to wait to hear it
>on our website?
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You want to know what I liked, nay, cherished and admired, about Alex Podolinsky? He faithfully answered every letter I ever wrote to him, and I wrote him twice, needing help and guidance but not wanting to be a pest, many long years ago. I had a sense he really cared, whatever else may have been. I will always be thinking to care as well myself, though I find many letters slip through the cracks.

Hugh Lovel
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