
New Message on BDOTNET

From: Murthy
Message 1 in Discussion

  Problem 1 : On form  i make save button as acceptbutton.   a) on enter key press of  
 in  the textbox is not  havaing validating event then save click event fire. but 
there are some more required fileds which are not filled ,the  focus got to required 
fields  . how can i do ? (not single control checking with loop)   b)how can cancel 
the button click event e.emptry=true like that (not working)   c) my text box accept 
only  Rs.Paise mylogic  onformload  textbox1.text=".00" textbox1.righttoleft=true so 
user types as on ruppes will add on key press event if (instr,1,textbox1.text,".",1) 
then e.handled=true ' cancel the event  textbox1.selectstart=0 textbox1.selectindex=0  
    end if   this code place cursor in 2 place after the "." Now when enter paise it 
has replace the 00 with numbers or values   the user can not delete "." ,can't delete 
paise   *********************************************************** what is 
formatnumeric how can i attached the name space to the textbox. my textbox  has to 
work as like maskedit control.for rs/ps   thanks in advance Ramana Murthy   


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