This sounds like a good plan to get us on moving on a stable version of NetUI/Controls. Given the discussion in the Incubator list, the word "Incubator" should be *part* of the name of this release, to avoid any impression that this is official ASF code. This is just a stable set of code that we can use to attract dev interest, and to get people involved in our community in general.

If we're all in agreement, there are two things we should do fairly quickly:
- Set up a JIRA category, and move bugs (even resolved ones) as appropriate.
   - Figure out where code for this release lives (where/when to branch).

Any other thoughts about this?


Daryl Olander wrote:

I'll give the base plan a +1...

I think we should continue to produce a WSM/Service control
distribution, that will roll into a real release of Beehive once the
TCK is final...

On 6/7/05, Steven Tocco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think this is a sound plan.  It allows us to keep momentum and gets
good bits to people early and often.



-----Original Message-----
From: Eddie ONeil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 5:30 PM
To: Beehive Developers
Subject: planning for future beehive releases and wsm


 Now that we've got a solid milestone out for Controls + NetUI + WSM,
I'd like to suggest that we start thinking about what goes into our
near-term releases.

 To me, the most pressing near-term priority is getting a more
"official" release of NetUI and Controls available to interested users
-- call this a 1.0 if you will.  :)

 Currently, we're prevented from doing a Beehive release that
includes WSM and calling it something more official than "milestone"
because of the issues around releasing a JSR implementation (181)
before that JSR is final.

 My personal feeling is that Controls and NetUI are 1.0 quality
(modulo a few bugs that have come up which we could fix pretty
quickly) and that I'd rather not hold up their release because WSM is
waiting for a JSR to complete.

 Thus, what would folks think of doing releases with Controls + NetUI
and keeping WSM and the web service control out of these releases
until JSR 181 is final and WSM has passed the TCK?

 This has two benefits:

1) Controls + NetUI can be released as a 1.0 (or something similar,
depending on what we're allowed to do while still in the Incubator)
2) WSM and the web service control can continue to undergo active
development before starting the effort to pass the TCK

Note, this *does not* remove WSM from Beehive -- just keeps it from
any official-ish 1.0 release until it's passed the TCK.  Once that has
happened, we can fold it back into the regular Beehive release cycle.
And, in the interim, it can still be available via nightlies or some
similar manner.

Thoughts about this?

If there's enough interest after we've discussed this for a while, we
can spin-up a vote to do a 1.0 with just Controls + NetUI.



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