I’d go with Java, in order:

  *   Popularity – there is just more stuff being written in Java.  This would 
indicate the employment options are greater.
     *   https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
     *   Java currently rates 4th vs Perl at 27th

  *   Over the long arc, Java probably has a faster learning curve.  As much as 
I love Perl, it has some rather arcane syntax at times.

I’m sure you will get many opinions to the contrary on a Perl mailing list 😊

FWIW, I’d wildly guess the following for my coding time:

  *   90% using Perl
  *   9% using PHP/JavaScript for web-pages
  *   0.9% in, say, C++ or C
  *   0.09% in Java or C#

The rest of the time I slack off.



From: William Torrez Corea <willitc9...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2023 8:46 AM
To: Perl Beginners <beginners@perl.org>
Subject: Preference

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is safe.
What is preferable to learn?

Java or Perl

What is the learning curve of this language of programming?


With kindest regards, William.

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