Am 08.10.2006 um 13:28 schrieb Kenneth Payne:

Am I right in thinking there is way to get a sub-morph to automatically resize
as its owner morph resizes?

I've experimented with TableLayout and it seems to work the opposite way. You can get a morph to "shrink-wrap" around its components but you cannot get
submorphs to expand or shrink automatically to fill a table cell.

You'd think that using "space fill" on the child layout menu might do
something like this - but it doesn't.

This should actually work. I think you must not set the container to shrinkWrap.

As for Proportional Layout - I can't even understand what it's supposed to do.
Nothing as far as I can tell.

Right, you must give it a layout frame. Perhaps this helps:

- Bert -

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