Hi !
Actually it is probably a very simple Squeak concept which I haven't 
understood, yet.

Serving as an simple example, I would like to write a method, which accepts a 
Class as argument and which return the Superclass of that Class.
The problem is that the argument must be an instance of String, that means  the 
argument aClassName  contains an actual class name (e.g. aClassName = 'Object'. 
or aClassName = 'ClassBuilder'), however, this is just a String object.

returnSuperClass: aClassName

aSuperClass := aClassName superclass.

^ aSuperClass.

Obviously this method won't work, because aClassName is just an instance of 
ByteString. And instances of ByteString cannot understand the message 

So I need the actual class object  which the content of the String aClassName 
How can I achieve ? Or how can I make this method correct ?
(it is imperative, that the argument aClassName is a String).

Thanks for you help in advance.

Best Regards

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