On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 18:22:22 +0200, Tim Johnson wrote:


I know the rules for naming accessor and setter methods. But what do I do
when the accessor method needs a parameter?  I'll try to provide an

A vendor sells an item called #apple. If I want to get the vendor's price
for that #apple, I use a method such as the following:

Vendor>>priceOf: aSymbol

Now, to make the setter method, I have followed this pattern:

Vendor>>priceOf: aSymbol is: newPrice

I've seen the suggestions in other responses to this and I don't like them.

Calling "everything" a setter/getter seems to be J-zeitgeist but, what you have here is a collection of prices, indexed by a symbolic key, rooted at instances of Vendor.

Translated to Smalltalk language this is a variant of #at:put:

Vendor>>priceAt: aSymbol put: newPrice

Even more Smalltalk-ish, you'd have

 aVendor pricebook at: aSymbol put: newPrice

People with an education in Smalltalk will immediately understand what's happening when seeing a piece of your code which sends #priceAt:put:, even in the absence of class comments :)


Does this follow traditional patterns?  I'll admit I have read the first
half of "Smalltalk with Style" but not the second.  Should I instead make
the setter method look like this:

Vendor>>setPriceOf: aSymbol to: newPrice



[PS - Thanks to everyone who has been helping me on here lately, I have
been lax in responding.  You all bring up some good ideas and tips.]

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