From: roger mpouma
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 2:42 PM


Hi Ron,

I solved my problem, thank you for your help.

I got one more question, how can i add the possibility to erase parts of what i 
have already drawn as item "clear" but just parts of the drawing ? 


[Ron Teitelbaum] Of course everything is possible.  Your clear is doing just 
that, it’s filling in the canvas area with your background color.  There are 
number of ways to accomplish this.  A number of programs hold onto the results 
of each drawing collection (clicking and moving until you let go of the mouse) 
as a single element of the drawing.  Then you can ctrl –z to remove them in 
order.  To do something like that you need an instance of a class, something 
like Drawing, which holds a collection of brush strokes, colors and line 
widths,  and a collection on your canvas to apply the drawings in order to your 
canvas. An instance variable called drawings would work.   You could also 
calculate the intersection of a line and the position of the mouse pointer in 
the drawing to find each draw element and remove them when clicked.  You could 
also erase by simply overlaying the background color as another draw element, 
in other words, drawing a line with the background color on top of everything 
else is similar to erasing. 


Everything is possible!


All the best,


Ron Teitelbaum


2016-08-22 18:45 GMT+02:00 Ron Teitelbaum <>:

Hi Roger!  


That was a nice try!


I modified methods:

addCustomMenuItems: aCustomMenu hand: aHandMorph
    super addCustomMenuItems: aCustomMenu hand:  aHandMorph.
    aCustomMenu add: 'clear' action: #clear.
    drawColor := Color red.                    //modification
    drawColor := Color yellow.                //modification
    drawColor := Color green.                 //modification
    drawColor := Color blue.                   //modification

[Ron Teitelbaum]

What this does is create a menu with one item clear and then it sets the 
drawColor to red yellow green and then blue.  Since blue is the last color you 
end up with blue.

Try creating drawRed, drawYellow, drawGreen, and drawBlue methods

For example


               drawColor := Color red.

Now add to your menu properly.

aCustomMenu add: 'clear' action: #clear.
aCustomMenu add: 'red' action: #drawRed.

Where add is what you see in your menu and action is what happens when you 
select the menu item.  (it calls: self drawRed)

Do that with all your colors and you should be all set!

You can also add menu items to adjust the size of the brush.  Maybe make small 
brush, medium brush and large brush menu items?  Works the same way as changing 
color.  You need a brushSize instance variable. And initialize brushSize := 2.

All the best,

Ron Teitelbaum

    super initialize.
    self extent: 500@700.
    drawColor := Color black.

mouseDown: evt
    brush := Pen newOnForm: form.
    brush roundNib: 2.
    brush color: drawColor.                                    //modification
    lastMouse := evt cursorPoint - bounds origin.
    brush drawFrom: lastMouse to: lastMouse.
    self invalidRect:
    ((lastMouse - brush sourceForm extent corner:
    lastMouse + brush sourceForm extent)
    translateBy: bounds origin).

The initial color is black.

When i click the command "change color" on the menu  and i chose for example 
the green color, the result is the blue color. I don't understand why ?

And after the first choice, i must restart the program with the Workspace for 
change another color. So i can't make several choices at the same time.

How can I solve these problems ? and to change size of the brush ? 

Thank you in advance.


2016-08-21 3:14 GMT+02:00 Ron Teitelbaum <>:



From: roger mpouma
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2016 2:42 PM


How can i make  this please ?

I thought to add "color" and "size" commands as "clear" command in the custom 
menu code. After that, add "color" and "size" methods...

[Ron Teitelbaum] 

What I was thinking is making buttons on the panel. Color buttons with a 
highlight around it so you can see what is selected.  You could instead add 
something like Red or Blue to the menu.


On your class add some instance variable called drawColor or something like 


When the menu item Red is called you would do 


drawColor := Color red.


Then in mouseDown:


    brush color: drawColor.


Initialize your color to something like black




               drawColor := Color black.


So that the user is not required to use the menu to get the default color 


Hope that helps,



2016-08-20 20:26 GMT+02:00 Ron Teitelbaum <>:

Have you considered having a menu bar with colors and line sizes.  The users 
can select the color and line size which will change your program to use those 


All the best,


Ron Teitelbaum


[] On Behalf Of roger mpouma
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2016 1:51 PM
To: A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions about 
Subject: Re: [Newbies] Project on squeak language


I have already implemented the canvas on which we draw, the possibility of 
drawing with the brush but with only a single color and a single size, a 
capacity to erase what we have already drawn with the "Clear" command on the 
custom menu code. 
So, i'd like to add the possibility of changing the color and the size of the 
brush presenting the choices of color and brush size.

The differents methods are:


extent: aPoint
    | newForm |
    super extent: aPoint.
    newForm := Form extent: self extent depth: 16.
    newForm fillColor: Color veryLightGray.
    form ifNotNil: [form displayOn: newForm].
    form := newForm.
    super initialize.
    self extent: 500@350.
drawOn: aCanvas
    aCanvas image: form at: bounds origin.
handlesMouseDown: evt
    ^ true     
mouseDown: evt
    brush := Pen newOnForm: form.
    brush roundNib: 3.
    brush color: Color red.
    lastMouse := evt cursorPoint - bounds origin.
    brush drawFrom: lastMouse to: lastMouse.
    self invalidRect:
    ((lastMouse - brush sourceForm extent corner:
    lastMouse + brush sourceForm extent)
    translateBy: bounds origin).
mouseMove: evt
    | p |
    p := evt cursorPoint - bounds origin.
    p = lastMouse ifTrue: [^ self].
     brush drawFrom: lastMouse to: p.
    self invalidRect: ((
        ((lastMouse min: p) - brush sourceForm extent) corner:
        ((lastMouse max: p) + brush sourceForm extent))
            translateBy: bounds origin).
    lastMouse := p.
addCustomMenuItems: aCustomMenu hand: aHandMorph
    super addCustomMenuItems: aCustomMenu hand: aHandMorph.
    aCustomMenu add: 'clear' action: #clear.
    form fillColor: Color veryLightGray.
    self changed.

"Class PaintMorph"

Morph subclass: #PaintMorph
    instanceVariableNames: 'form brush lastMouse'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'Morphic-Fun'

PaintMorph new openInWorld.


Thank you in advance.


2016-08-20 18:47 GMT+02:00 Bert Freudenberg <>:

Sure. Just ask some specific questions - e.g. what you tried, what worked, what 
didn't etc.


- Bert -


On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 10:59 AM, roger mpouma <> wrote:

I need help for a drawing project on Squeak. I'd like implement a canvas on 
which we draw with the possibility of drawing with brush changing the color and 
size of the brush. Is it possibile to have help ?

Thank you in advance. 

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