On Tue, 06 Oct 2009 13:33:27 +1000, Dave Tang <d.t...@imb.uq.edu.au> wrote:

On Tue, 06 Oct 2009 12:11:47 +1000, Jyoti <jcutiep...@gmail.com> wrote:


Hello Jyoti,

Can anyone help me to know how to make a script which can take any sequences
by user as user input and give blast results as user output. This should
work in a server.
Any sequences can be any protein sequences in Fasta format. And Blast is a NCBI Blast main page which will be used and user should get the same results
when he runs my server.

You could write your own cgi scripts or use the wwwblast package provided by NCBI (which does exactly what you want) at:


Download the appropriate netblast-2.2.21 for your operating system and architecture.

Whoops I mean wwwblast-2.2.21.

You can then have a look at the html files and cgi scripts to see how it is done.

Any Bioinformatician can understand my problem. Else if anyone can just give
me idea on how to give user input and get specific results accordingly..
Will be very helpful.

Just a note, most people here on this list are Perl experts (not bioinformaticians) so they will have no idea what Blast is or how a fasta file is formatted. If you want your question answered by the Perl experts you probably want to explain your problem in more general terms and elaborate.

Thanks in Advance.

Kind Regards,

Hope that helps,

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