On Wednesday 07 Oct 2009 02:11:38 Slick wrote:
> Sorry for all my questions.
> What do you guys do to practice? Do you practice one script over and over
>  again? Do you read differnt scripts and figure out what is happening in
>  each one? Do you think of ideas to do things, then make the script for
>  that?

What I'm doing to practice is not primarily with scripts, but rather with 
distributions of Perl code (so-called CPAN modules or packages). See:


Most of the scripts I put on CPAN are just very small wrappers for a more 
complete Perl .pm file with an API that processes the command line. Something 

use strict;
use warnings;
use App::MyApp;

my $app = App::MyApp->new();

This facilitates testing and also allow writing something like 
{{{ perl -MApp::MyApp -e 'run()'; }}} which overcomes many problems.

I also read many Perl blogs, books, chat on IRC in Perl-related channels, etc. 
And I also read other people's code when I need to learn something about a 
CPAN module I'm using or have started working on. It's not always the best 
code possible, but as "Joel on Software" mentions here: 
"It’s harder to read code than to write it." - so it's more challenging and 
brings more benefit.

Some people read other people's code for enlightenment or for fun:


Other people pointed you to http://perl-begin.org/ . 

I should note that most of my time is probably spent writing HTML, CSS, etc. 
using Website Meta Language ( http://thewml.org/ ), 
Latemp ( http://web-cpan.berlios.de/latemp/ ), DocBook/XML ( 
http://www.docbook.org/ ), and various XML grammars I've created. It's not 
that I don't enjoy writing Perl code (or code in other programming languages), 
just that I also love writing and blogging.


        Shlomi Fish

>  Any tips here would be appriciated.  
>  Jason H. Owens

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Parody on "The Fountainhead" - http://shlom.in/towtf

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

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