ZHAO, BING wrote:
> But, I
> figured it might be a good idea to save the file for like a week then
>                  delete it, if I know some kind of function like
> "clock"(as wild as it can get..), "date" etc, so after a week or so,
> the perl script would delete the file.

The "classic" way to do this kind of thing is to run find(1) from cron

   0 2 * * * find /some/path -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \;

If you want to do this from Perl, you either need to use cron, or write a
long-running "daemon"-type process. cron is the best way to do it.

The easiest way to check the age of a file is with Perl's -M operator:

   unlink $somefile if -M $somefile > 7;  ## file is older than 7 days

You can also use the find2perl utility (part of File::Find module) to
convert the find command above into Perl code. Or, you can use Randal's
nifty File::Finder module (http://search.cpan.org/~merlyn/File-Finder-0.53/)

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