On 11/21/05, Danny Fang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm new to PERL and would like to seek help for the task mentioned below:
>   I'm attempting to read the contents of a file containing rows with the 
> format shown below:
> version|exchange|area|date|time|callmod|callid|callno1|callno2|part2|start_date|start_time|spare|dur|flag_ini|indicator|length|ni|calling_nai|screening|address_i|num_plan_ind|publicservice_user|spare1|spare2|calling_no|line_no|spare3|spare4|called_nai|called_num_plan_ind|spare5|called_num|spare6|di_nai|di_num_plan_ind|spare7|dest_num|dest_num_type|spare8|doc|dccc_type|spare9|dt_update|spare10|subs_type|cug_code|spare11|teleservices|spare12|channel_isdn|calling_terminal|pulses|in_port|out_port|in_pop|out_pop|spare13|out_mod|spare14|link2bb_type|out_cic|in_cic|anomaly_code|anomaly_ind|spare15|spare16|location|cause_value|spare17|final_status|ingress_ip|egress_ip|inter_dur|bid_time|term_call_setup_delay|del_call_setup_delay|term_ccd|int_call_clear_delay|trans_delay|inter_jitter|send_packets|send_octets|rec_packets|rec_octets|lost_packets|lost_packets_out|packet_period|code_alg|spare20|silence_suppr|spare21|coi|spare22|
> E1440000100TT|006030766|0521|051018|191554|2|1529238851|63271|0|0|051018|184414|0|965|0|0|171|1|3|1|0|1|2|0|0|882030|255|0|0|3|1|0|052539028|0|3|1|0|052539028|1|0|1|0|0|0|0|SNO|0|0|0|0|0|000521882030|1|24086|27368|0|0|0|0|0|0|2|2|0|0|0|0|0|16|0|1|||1|1129653851|142|0|0|0|17093|140|48227|1542980|47896|1532672|258|0||13|0|0|0|||
>   I'm interested in modifying the values at the 3rd and 26th column of 1 
> particular row in this file and duplicating that row values to populate it to 
> 4000 rows. There are 2123 rows in the this file currently.
>   Below is the script which I've written in order to modify the values at the 
> column mentioned.
>   However, I'm not sure how I could rewrite the newly modified column values 
> of that particular row back into the file - I want to use the particular row 
> which had its columns modified to be duplicated and appended to the end of 
> the current file for a specific number of time (adding more rows with the 
> duplicated rows).
> version|exchange|area|date|time|callmod|callid|callno1|callno2|part2|start_date|start_time|spare|dur|flag_ini|indicator|length|ni|calling_nai|screening|address_i|num_plan_ind|publicservice_user|spare1|spare2|calling_no|line_no|spare3|spare4|called_nai|called_num_plan_ind|spare5|called_num|spare6|di_nai|di_num_plan_ind|spare7|dest_num|dest_num_type|spare8|doc|dccc_type|spare9|dt_update|spare10|subs_type|cug_code|spare11|teleservices|spare12|channel_isdn|calling_terminal|pulses|in_port|out_port|in_pop|out_pop|spare13|out_mod|spare14|link2bb_type|out_cic|in_cic|anomaly_code|anomaly_ind|spare15|spare16|location|cause_value|spare17|final_status|ingress_ip|egress_ip|inter_dur|bid_time|term_call_setup_delay|del_call_setup_delay|term_ccd|int_call_clear_delay|trans_delay|inter_jitter|send_packets|send_octets|rec_packets|rec_octets|lost_packets|lost_packets_out|packet_period|code_alg|spare20|silence_suppr|spare21|coi|spare22|
> E1440000100TT|006030766|AAA|BBBB|191554|2|1529238851|63271|0|0|051018|184414|0|965|0|0|171|1|3|1|0|1|2|0|0|882030|255|0|0|3|1|0|052539028|0|3|1|0|052539028|1|0|1|0|0|0|0|SNO|0|0|0|0|0|000521882030|1|24086|27368|0|0|0|0|0|0|2|2|0|0|0|0|0|16|0|1|||1|1129653851|142|0|0|0|17093|140|48227|1542980|47896|1532672|258|0||13|0|0|0|||
> E1440000100TT|006030766|AAA|BBBB|191554|2|1529238851|63271|0|0|051018|184414|0|965|0|0|171|1|3|1|0|1|2|0|0|882030|255|0|0|3|1|0|052539028|0|3|1|0|052539028|1|0|1|0|0|0|0|SNO|0|0|0|0|0|000521882030|1|24086|27368|0|0|0|0|0|0|2|2|0|0|0|0|0|16|0|1|||1|1129653851|142|0|0|0|17093|140|48227|1542980|47896|1532672|258|0||13|0|0|0|||
>   Could anyone help me out?
>   Thanks
>   Danny
>   ##open file for reading
> open(INPUTFILE, $inputFile) || die "Cannot open $inputFile \n";
>   @fileRecs = <INPUTFILE>;
> $totalRecs = scalar(@fileRecs)-1;
>   print "Total records in $inputFile is $totalRecs  \n";
>   ##open file for writting output

I'm not sure where you're headed here: the number of lines in the file
is @fileRecs, not @fileRecs-1.

>   open(OUTFILE, ">$inputFile.tmp") || die "Cannot open $inputFile.tmp \n";
>   $secondRow = $fileRecs[2];
> print "BEGINNING -- secondRow = $secondRow \n";

This is actually the thrid row. Perl indexes arrays beginning with
zero (although it keep couunt of the number of elements counting from

> @secondRowRec = split("|", $secondRow);
>    $secondRowRec[2]="AAAA";
>    $secondRowRec[3]="BBBBB";
>   print "\$secondRowRec[2] = $secondRowRec[2] and 
> \$secondRowRec[3]=$secondRowRec[3] \n";
> print "\$secondRow is now $secondRow \n";
>   $diffOfNewRec = 4000 - $totalRecs;
>   print "Need to produce additional $diffOfNewRec \n";
>   #making a backup copy
>   `cp $inputFile $inputFile.tmp`;

1) Dont' use backticks unless you're capturing output; use system().
2) You already created $inputFile.tmp, now you're clobbering it, why?
3) if all you want to do is copy a text file, either read and print
the lines yourself, or use File::Copy, etc.. Don't waste resources on
an external system call when Perl offers about 300 native options.
4) always check the return value of system calls to mke surethey succeed.

>   ## I'm need help here !! Not sure how I could re-join the elements modified 
> back into the array containing that particular row and append it to the end 
> of the file
>   ##

here's one way:


    use strict;
    use warnings;

    my $inputFile = "myfile";

    open(INPUTFILE, $inputFile) || die "Cannot open $inputFile \n";
    open(OUTFILE, ">$inputFile.tmp") || die "Cannot open $inputFile.tmp \n";

    my $secondRow;

    while (<INPUTFILE>) {
      if ( $. == 2 ) {
        print "BEGINNING -- secondRow = $_ \n";

        @secondRowRec = split /|/;

        print "\$secondRowRec[2] = $secondRowRec[2] and
          \$secondRowRec[3]=$secondRowRec[3] \n";

        $secondRow = join("|", @secondRowRec);

        print "Second Row is now $secondRow \n";

        print OUTFILE join("|", $secondRow);

      } else {
        print OUTFILE;


    for (1..4000-$.) {
      print OUTFILE $secondRow;

    close OUTFILE;
    close INPUTFILE;

    rename("$inputFile.tmp", $inputFile) or die "couldn't rename tmp file";

    (this code is intented as an example; don't go out and clobber
your data with that rename() at the end without testing it for your
environment and data)


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