        I have this web page which saves data in an xml.
        The web page has few textfields which takes input
        and has a submit button.The data is saved in an XML 
        when pressed the submit button.
        I am using CGI module for web page and XML::twig 
        module to save the data.

        Sometimes I have observed while saving the data
        the explorer crashes.If the XML is opened it will
        definetly crash probably while writing into it.

        Can anybody point out what is wrong ?
                my $registerFile = "Register.xml" ;
                my $twig = XML::Twig->new( pretty_print => 'indented' );
                $twig->parsefile( $registerFile );
        #This is the code to save and write into the XML
        if (pressed submit button execute this)
                my $node = XML::Twig::Elt->new(
                                        'User', {'name' => $usr},
                                        XML::Twig::Elt->new( 'email' =>
$email )) ;
                $node->paste( last_child => $twig->root ) ;
                $twig->print_to_file( $registerFile ) ; 
                print "<h3> Saved Successfully !! </h3>" ;

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