hello all,

How can I work with this kind on expression without escaping the range.


use warnings;
use strict;
use DateTime;

my $ystd = DateTime->today->subtract(days => 1);
my $mdy = $ystd->ymd('-');  #date format in 09-25-2007
my $dty = $ystd->mdy('');  #date in format 09252007
my ($sum, $newsum_b, $sum_b, $cnt_ans, $cnt_nans);
   open my $fh, '<', $mfile or die "open '$mfile': $!" ;
   open my $nfh, '>', $yfile or die "open '$yfile': $!" ;
   while (<$fh>){

if I used the date 2007\-08\-04, it will work.. but I want to work with the regexp without escaping the -.

Thanks for ur help.


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