Currently I generate nearly one TB data every few days and I need to pass it

Bill's right - 6 MB/s is really not much to ask from even a complex WAN.
I think the first thing you should do is find the bottleneck.  to me it
sounds like you have a sort of ropey path with a 100 Mbps hop somewhere.

thinking about compressing it (most tiff format image data) as much as I can

tiff is a fairly generic container that can hold anything from a horrible
uncompressed 4-byte-per-pixel to jpeg or rle.  looking at the format you're
really using would be wise.  I'm guessing that if you transcode to png,
you'll get better compression than gzip/etc.  dictionary-based compression
is fundamentally inappropriate for most non-text data - not images, not double-precision dumps of physical simulations, etc. png is quite a lot smarter about most kinds of images than older formats, and can be lossy or

hardware compression would be a serious mistake unless you've already pursued these routes. specialized hardware is a very short-term and quite narrow value proposition. I would always prefer to improve the infrastructure.

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uh, email is publication.

regards, mark hahn.
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