In a message dated 11/13/2002 6:02:35 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Our Berner puppy, Chiara, is 18 weeks old and she has begun to have
>  trembling in her right leg on an irregular but consistent basis.<snip>
>A long time ago I had
>  read something about this subject in an old book (I can't remember who had
>  it) and they said trembling had been noticed in some British (I think) BMDs
>  but Chiara is Swiss.

Hi Valerie,

Take a deep breathe...and relax. <g>
What you're seeing is quite common, the cause is unknown.  What you remember 
reading about is hypomyelinogenisis, commonly known as Tremblers.  It did 
occur in appx a dozen dogs having a common sire in their pedigrees, in 
England, in the mid 80's.  At the time, the British cut hard and deep into 
the breeding pool to eliminate as many probable carriers as they could.  It 
was very effective...I've never heard of a case in the US and it shows up 
very, very, rarely in Europe.

More to the point in your situation, affected puppies trembled all over 
incessantly...except while sleeping.  It was quite clear early on that they 
were seriously ill so the pups were euthanized.

-Sherri Venditti (and 10-3/4 y.o. Kalie...who's had shakey leg syndrome all 
her life with no ill effect :-)    

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