Let me try to be half civilized here...

I can't help but to reply to this post, and I apologize ahead of time because I didn't see the original post for this. But I would have to disagree strongly about any references endorsing this breeder.

I'll just share my little story: Our first berner that we bought, we bought blindly and yes, it was one of Bloemert's berners. We didn't know much about what we were doing and like many folks who are new to the breed and who are not as well educated, we bought the first puppy we saw. To top it off, a friend of my in-laws also bought a puppy from them. Both our puppies from day one have had health problems. We probably spent a large amount of money, including $1,200 for surgery when the berners were about 1 years old or younger. We were lucky, our berner only need surgery on one shoulder, but the other berner needed it in both shoulders. I don't agree with you that the temperments are good. If anything I would say it's more on the sharp side.

In any litter, there can always be one or two really nice looking dogs. But nice looking doesn't say anything about their health. I would never encourage anyone to use this breeder and when I hear of people looking for breeders I try to warn them away from breeders like this one. When Max had his surgery, I sent e-mails, and none of them were returned nor responded to. The other owner also tried getting in contact with them with no luck. I went to two vets, one specialist, both of whom indicated that our dogs were pre-disposed to have this condition because of the age that they were first diagnosed. Then to top it off, the surgeon indicated to me that our dog may have vWd. So we pay to get all the blood work done and they said it came back inconclusive. However they can't explain why my dog bleeds so much and why he does not clot as well as other dogs.

Now after all this, we thought long and hard on whether or not we wanted another berner. We were very skeptical and after the amount of money that we had put into vet bills for Max, were really didn't want to repeat that with another berner. So, we took a chance with another breeder. Here is a big difference between, in my own opinion, a good breeder and one who really doesn't care as long as the money is there. When we bought Patch, we thought we would never get him. The first puppy we had pick, there were some problems with and one of his testicles didn't drop. Liliane immediately contacted me and told me since I was looking for a show puppy she would not sell me this one unless his other one dropped. Then she contacted me and offered me another puppy who she thought was show quality, which I accepted because by this time I felt like I trusted her. Well, we finally got Patch here and from the day we got him, it was amazing to us the difference in quality between him as a puppy and Max as a puppy. Both VERY cute, but very different. Patch spends very little time at the vets and has a beautiful coat in comparison. Of course Patch is not without fault, he has those, but in terms of quality, I think he comes from a better breeder. I still am in contact with the breeder and she always wants to know how Patch is doing. I hardly think Max's breeder would care except that she got over $1,000 from us.

Again, this is my story and my experience with the subject matter and I think it was long overdue. If anyone has any specific questions for me, please feel free to e-mail me privately.

Karyn Waugh

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