I'm sure I'll make lots of people annoyed with this, but...
I"ve been thinking about the whole dog breeding "thing" lately, and find it 
ironic that in this world, where the media, TV, movies, and magazines obsess 
about looks and weight, but real people disagree with that obsession, we do 
the same thing with dogs.  I mean, I think we would all agree that the 
obsession with looks is not only unhealthy, but wrong as well.  I think we 
would all agree that we should (and try to) judge people not on their looks, 
but on who they are, what they stand for, andby their deeds.
However, in dog breeding, one of the only areas we really control over, dogs 
are bred seemly only for looks.  (Keep in mind this comes from a nonbreeder, 
and someone who things her less than perfect dogs are more than perfect!!!!)  
I think breeders do look very seriously for health, soundness, temperament, 
etc, but don't markings kind of mean the most?  If a breeder had the choice 
between a bitch with good hips and perfect markings or a bitch with excellent 
hips and good markings- which would they choose?  How about with temperament, 
or "smartness/willingness to learn"?

I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just trying to understand the difference 
between what we do with dogs and what we try to tell our children, especially 
our daughters in a world that seems to value perfection over a good heart?

Uh,oh,  what did I start?

Scared Kendra, mismarked but wonderful Jackson, and crazy court jester Sallie

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