Today is the very happy hoppy third birthdy of Ch. Enstone's Daring Discovery, a.k.a. Sisco, "the goofball", "energizer bunny", "goofy nuts", "fruit loop", "nut bar" and a bunch of other slightly less flattering but endearing names. The big guy will be celebrating with mumpy's patented sauted ground sirloin/ cheddar cheese "cake" for dinner, and a lovely rainy hike in the woods with daddy. Sisco would like to wish all his brothers and sisters of Enstone's D litter a very happy day. We're still waiting for UPS to deliver his adult set of gray matter. Gotta happen some day this year maybe. Happy Birthday big goofy boy, from mumpy, daddio, and Kristy!

West Vancouver, BC
SportSound Music:
Phone: 604-926-0084 Fax: 604-926-9543

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