Okay.  I love my dog.  I will do nearly anything for
him.  But when he eats a $200 cellphone, all of the
television remotes and rips newspapers to shreds, I
get to my wits end.  Smokey is in his crate when I am
not home (he *loves* his crate and the stinky bone he
gets when he is in it).  But when I am upstairs doing
something he can wander freely--or at least he could
until the above instances.  The thing is I have tried
to puppyproof.  But he is so tall now that anything he
wants he jumps up and gets.  He has even figured out
how to open the cabinet that has his treats in it, so
I had to move the treats to a random drawer (the
drawer changes periodically so he won't find them--I
hope).  What can I do?  how can I stop this?  he has
lots of toys and a bone.  I try giving him a kong,
which when he has he is fine.  But any spare time
alone and he shreds or destroys something.  

For background--he is 8 1/2 months old, neutered and
has gone through basic obedience.  He is just starting
clicker training. He does not rip things up when I am
there in the same room, but will if I am out of sight.
 Please help me.  I can't afford to replace literally
everything in my house!

Radha and Smokey (whoa mom, I think this cord to your
computer would be great to chew on too!)

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