Gail and Courtney,

I just got my BARC Back newsletter yesterday and sat down to read it tonight. 

Reading your stories about going to the auctions is heartbreaking.  That you 
both, and others, take the time to go to the auctions, time and time again, 
all with the hope of saving a puppy if possible is remarkable!  I wish to 
Thank you both, and all of the other brave and caring individuals that go 
with you, for making it possible for the rest of us to sit back and enjoy the 
love we receive from our BARC babies.  I wish you the best in your personal 
lives, continued strength as you face the unfaceable, as well as continued 
success in all you do.

I will have to admit that when I read about the time spent at the auctions 
that I have, at times, been thankful that I am to far away from the Kansas 
City area to attend them.  I don't know that I could do what you have done 
many more times than once.  Still I am glad to have the opportunity to hear 
about the sad and difficult task you have taken on.  It keeps me aware that 
the battle hasn't ended yet and that I still need to do what I can do even if 
it is more easily done on my part.... 

I know that my Star baby would have most likely died an untimely death due to 
the horrible stress the puppy mill life would have caused her.  I don't think 
she would have lived long enough to have puppies....  Which is good...  I 
guess....  But what a terrible way to have died....  Instead due to the 
efforts of very saintly people I have had the rewards of seeing all of her 
steps forward in life.  Star and I owe you much!  

Without the efforts you, and others, have put forth my girl wouldn't be in a 
position to learn about love, what it is to be "Bernerly", that she doesn't 
have to be fearful of every new situation and that small places and walls 
that are close aren't the situations that mean death is at hand.  I am 
honored to get to see the rewards of your efforts....  

I wish all who actually do the hard work of rescue the Happiest of Holidays 
and a New Year that is filled with Joy and Hope.  

Thank you for the difference you have made in the lives of so many of us!

Marilynn and Star

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