a simple retrieve can be renamed -

retrieve stuffed sheep or cow - this is 'herding'. a friend of mine's
sheltie would retrieve 2 stuffed sheep & deposit them in a basket  - 'the

retrieve hidden toy - stuffed rat - this is the popular terrier game of
'hunt the rat'.

teach the names of more than one toy & teach to retrieve one particular one.

retrieve wad of paper to trash can - pick up the garbage or do the recycle.
we used to have a toy pedal operated garbage can & a brussels griffon would
retrieve a wad of paper & open the can & drop it in.

retrieve a wallet that you drop as you walk the dog down the room - find the
wallet (yep, you knew that old utility seek back would come in handy)

and for the more laid back - how about go to sleep? dog does down stay on
side, doesn't get up until you tell him it's morning. especially cute with a
pillow & blanket.

lisa baldwin 
(dickens, bark & zel)
seattle, wa

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