I came back (all wet) from being in San Diego with Hugo and was overwhelmed
to see how you guys have been working so hard for Hugo - all of you -
Andrea, Pat L., Pat T., Rusty and Sylvia and everyone who's emailed me and
others I don't even know about - I truly thank you.  We're both extremely
touched and grateful and humble that you all have such heart and faith in
Hugie.  He's going to try his best not to disappoint you.

Hugo says the chair does not belong to him, it belongs to any berner who
cannot stand.  

About today, Hugie must have thought I'd gone crazy taking him to a pool in
the pouring rain.  Trish from Cutting Edge K9 rehab was waiting for us as
the other clients cancelled due to rain.  But we were determined.  It took 2
1/2 hours to get there but Hugo tolerated the drive just fine.

We carried Hugo on his stretcher out to a hydraulic platform by the heated
pool.  Trish lowered the platform while I was knee-deep in water, keeping
his head out of water.  Once he was in the pool, with her supporting him,
she put a life-jacket on him.  She held him by a handle on the back and as
he hung there floating, he had the funniest quizzical look on his face,
like, "Boy, this is new.  I'm flying!"  (you know how expressive they are).
Surprisingly he was not scared but relaxed.  It was nice to see him in an
upright dog position again even if it was just due to the water.

She worked his legs and floated him for 1/2 an hour and although we did not
get the magic response we all would have loved, she said it doesn't always
happen on the first time but could happen later. She was glad to see he
seemed to be processing new sensations as she was moving his paws, as if he
was making the connection that these were *his* feet. We're going to try
again this weekend.

We noticed once he was home that for the first time in 10 days he was
exceptionally relaxed and limber... and very tired.  :)

Donna and Hugo 

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