Moses was admitted on Saturday night, Feb. 15 by his internal medicine specialist, who was, thankfully, on duty to Angell Memorial Animal Hospital in Boston, where he has been a cancer patient (osteosarcoma) for fever (103.7), lethargy, decreased appetite and fluid intake, labored breathing and considerable weakness in the remaining hindlimb. He had been experiencing increased difficulty remaining ambulatory and on Friday, he began to decompensate to the degree that hospitalization for evaluation and stabilization was required. We thought there might be some posturing and the neurologist was called to thoroughly evaluate Moses.
He has degenerative joint disease and arthritis in both elbows and in his right stifle. Moses is eight years six months old. Moses wwas also given antibiotics and analgesics in the hospital. Bloodwork was normal. The veterinary radiologist specialist will examine the Xrays during the week. I shall know the results of the urine culture test sometime in the next few days. Moses kept himself busy at Angell by charming everyone in the building and on the campus.
Moses' temperature fell to 101.3 at the hospital. No fluid in his lungs. Triple phosphate crystal in urine. Arthritic changes common to elderly dogs in lumbar vertebrae. Was given subcutaneous fluid.
Lisa Allen

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