"Do we go back to basics, clicking and rewarding (with
treats) the sits, etc so that he starts to associate
the click with the treat? Or should I just use the
clicker for new tricks? Or should I just wait and use
it from Day 1 with my next Berner?"


Just got my copy of CLICK FOR JOY by Melissa Alezander last week. It's a Karen Pryor 
Clicker Book, author of the classic DON'T SHOOT THE DOG.While I wish I had read DON'T 
SHOOT 20 years ago (and will read it again), CLICK FOR JOY is much more user-friendly 
with a great question & answer format. Truly a terrific book. You can click with Jake 
on old & new behaviours, he will improve daily & you will laugh a lot. Belline is 3 
years old & gets excited when she just sees the clicker!! She learns fast and with 
greater enthusiasm than she did in any class. I find it so much more fun than other 
training methods.You can get it through www.clickertraining .com or through 
www.dogwise.com. Enjoy!

Linda Seaver
Bedford, NY 

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