1 --- Do you live in
    a) city

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
berner - at the foot of the bed or in the bathroom
mixed breed - on the bed or near the bed
rottweiler - on the bed

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
berner - when he was a puppy, he had a green plush squeaky bone. after its
squeaker died, he never had a favourite toy again.
mixed breed - plush squeaky ball
rottweiler - currently the police car or the lamb that baas, but she
believes in frequent switches

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
berner - his presence. he's always been there for me for 11 years now.
mixed breed - eternal youth. not bad for an 8 year old dog that was only
supposed to make it to 4 to 6 years.
rottweiler - eternal optimism & the very cute stubby tail wag.

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
we switched to a station wagon when we had 2 berners & then to a mini van
with 3 dogs.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
berner - int ac ucdx alpenrose charles dickens asca cd akc cdx cgc ndd
mixed breed - shire bark a lounger cgc hic
rottweiler - neu-rodes wild thing asca/ckc cd cgc tt hic
    a) conformation  - berner
    b) obedience trials - berners & rottweiler
    c) drafting trials - berners & soon the rottie (we can do the fastest
maneuver course you've seen!)
    d) agility - berner & rottie - some classes, seminars, & 1 trial
    e) therapy work - all dogs we have owned
    f) tracking - some classes, haven't really worked hard at it yet
    g) training classes - all dogs & they've all ended up being my demo dogs
when i've taught
    h) digging to China - only digger was a rescue we were fostering.
    i) blood donors - all dogs we have owned

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.....
berner - we he was a year old &, we thought, safe to leave by himself in the
house, he shredded all of the newspapers saved for recycle & my stationery
set. for awhile after that, almost every note i sent out had teeth marks.

lisa baldwin 
(dickens, bark & zel)
seattle, wa

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