I have a 9 month old girl who is quite spirited and loves to play with
other dogs. . We used a buckle collar when she was younger and switched
to a prong collar after 7 months. I have found the prong collar to be of
limited use. I thought perhaps we just had a berner that didn't respond
like other dogs. Now I find she has the same tendencies with or without
it. I find she pulls at the beginning of her walk regardless of what is
around her neck. She can be bullheaded and resistant when she wants to
play with another dog or even stay in the park and wait for another dog
to play with.
I have decided to go back to the buckle collar and continue all of her
training activities with this collar. It is still a struggle, depending
on the day, but I think the buckle collar is worth the effort. I find
myself using more coaxing and positive reinforcement even though I am
sure some dog owners think I am being nice to this nut-case on a leash.
By the way, I have seen dogs play together with one or both wearing a
prone collar and it can be a little scary. Terry Bering

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