Hi Everyone,

This evening we are so pleased!

Sunny walked on the leash down to the farm and back with no problems, her
longest walk since the mysterious spinal injury a month or so ago and the
big broken tooth extraction. We have gradually been building up her exercise
over the last few days after we got clearance from the vet. This was a brisk
walk of about a mile and a half and she would happily have gone further! Was
trotting along very pleased to be out and about again and moving

So wonderful to see her back to her normal bouncy self (though we are trying
to teach her to be more sedate, my girl may be eight and a half but she
thinks she is still a puppy!) Yes, we know she has early stages of
Spondylosis, so we have to be careful of her now, try and stop some of the
wriggling and bouncing and madcap chasing around and good controlled
exercise on the leash! But this evening was my sweet Sunny Girl proudly
stepping out again! Hard to believe now that just a few weeks ago she could
barely stand and was in such pain.

She has been on the supplements from Marina Zacharias now for around two
weeks. Thankfully, she is such a Miss Piglet she will take her tablets no
problem. Her cod liver oil tablets she thinks are a great treat! (We are all
on them now!)

Biggest hugs and thanks to you all my friends for your help and support
during this time.

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

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