In a message dated 08/21/2003 9:34:21 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< If anyone has suggestions about indoor games to engage the mind and spend 
some of the pent up energy we would really appreciate it.  >>

We find this a good time to teach tricks like shake, high five, wave, spin in 
place, back up on command, walk around my legs in a figure 8 (both standing 
and walking), roll over, etc.  With a clicker and tiny treats we do many 
sessions during the day, but each session is 5 minutes or less in duration.
Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

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