The Berner-Garde Fundraiser Website now has a photograph of the color etching that was commissioned by BARC (Berner Auction Rescue Coalition) that has just been added as a bonus to the 97 prizes we already have for our fundraiser.. You have to check it out. It is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! The etchings are in Tier One and the color etching is Item # K - the hand painted version is limited edition #3/200. Item #L is a black and white version of the etching and is limited edition #21/200, and is also gorgeous. Here is the website where you can see the 99 WONDERFUL ITEMS for the fundraiser that you could win and to where you can get the instructions for how to send your check and entry to the "Name the Berner Contest."

With the two entries I got yesterday, we have just gone slightly over $2,000 for this fundraiser for Berner-Garde. Remember, we are raising seed money for a joint project between Berner-Garde and the BMDCA Health Committee to have a DNA Registry of healthy and diseased Berners and a Tissue Repository for our Berners. It would also include pedigree and medical history of the Berners, too. This would be an immense help to researchers of the future who are studying genetic diseases in Berners. This program will be unique among AKC breeds and it is something that will affect the lives of your future Berners.

Right now you have a VERY GOOD CHANCE TO WIN PRIZES, because with 99 items, the tickets for the drawing of the prizes are spread out over all of these items. If I were you, I'd go to the website and send a generous check right now!!! There is JUST ONE WEEK until the Berner-Garde Fundraiser is over. Don't be left out of the fun and don't miss out on a chance to help our beloved Berners.

Bernerly yours,
Joye Neff and Nicky (and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

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