Congratulations to all of the winners from last night's drawing of the "Name the Costco Berner Contest" and the "Berner-Garde Fundraiser." I have a business conference in St. Louis this week and will not return until Sunday evening, so I know that with a short week at work here in Pittsburgh, I won't have time to unpack all of the boxes of prizes in my gameroom, organize the prizes according to people who won them, pack the prizes up so they don't break in the mail and then go to the post office and stand in line with about 65 boxes and padded envelopes!! As you can imagine, I'm real popular there!!! Actually, I go to a very small post office which doesn't have a lot of activity on an early Saturday morning and my husband, Bill, helps me carry the full load of boxes and padded envelopes into the post office. They are very nice there and don't give me any hassle and the few people who do come into the post office go to the only other window to transact their busines..

Thanks again to everyone who helped make the Berner-Garde Fundraiser a HUGE SUCCESS!!!
Save your money for the next fundraisers coming up very soon!!!

Joye Neff and Nicky (and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

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