PocketPC hint: a soft reset is analogous to a reboot for a desktop. If things are really messed up, do a reboot. It varies by machine, but typically you poke the stylus in a small hole in the back.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Guinn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Beta forum" <beta@jsoftware.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:24 AM
Subject: [Jbeta] Pocket PC Beta

I continue to be impressed with the power that I can hold in my hand with the Pocket PC and J on it. I have finally played with it and took a simple script from my regular PC and tried it on the Pocket PC. Following is the script boiled down along with comments on some differences I found.

NB. Start ----------------------------------------
TST=: 0 : 0
pc tst closeok nomax;pn "Test 6700";
xywh 27 9 44 12;cc ok button;cn "OK";
xywh 9 50 44 12;cc cancel button ws_border;cn "Cancel";
xywh 59 21 50 26;cc pppp edit es_right rightmove;
xywh 9 7 92 10;cc ccstatic static ss_right;cn "AAAAAAAAAAAAA:";
xywh 59 47 50 12;cc iii edit es_right rightmove ws_thickframe;
xywh 59 60 50 11;cc ttttt edit ws_disabled es_right rightmove;
pas 6 6;pcenter;
rem form end;

tst_run=: 3 : 0
wd TST
NB. initialize form here
font=.'"lucida console" 24'
wd 'setfont pppp ' ,font
NB. wd 'setcolor ttttt 0 0 0 255 255 0 255 255 0'
wd 'set ttttt *123'
wd 'pshow;'

tst_close=: 3 : 0

tst_cancel_button=: 3 : 0

NB. End ---------------------------------------------

Random comments:

I assume that the goal of the Pocket PC version of J is to be as nearly compatible with the bigger versions as is practical. That seems to be quite good for internals and for graphics so far. However, the basic wd commands seem to have a lot of differences. Generally, I feel that valid wd commands for regular PC J should not cause errors on the Pocket PC, but should be ignored if not supported. What I mean is that such wd commands should not cause a domain error. But it would be nice if a list of commands which are not intended to be supported be available.

Running the above script on my PC with Windows XP and then the same script on my XP 6700 gave the following differences:

0. Edit objects have no border. They are invisible on the form but I can tab to them and type in them.

1. Specifying ws_thickframe give a vertical bar on the left of the edit object.

2. es_right ignored.

3. setcolor not supported, causes wd domain error.

4. qprinters not supported, causes wd domain error.

5. Buttons don't change appearance when the current object on the form.

6. Overlapping objects have different one on top.

7. At one time got an error which showed up in qer as "command not supported : 1085". What is 1085?

8. If there was an error on my form then I couldn't get Menu J/Next or J/Previous to work. I had to rerun j.exe to get them to work. Also, typing into the ijx window wouldn't work either - The cursor was gone in the ijx window. Also, sometimes the ijx menu list disappears (except for the J) when a wd error occurs.

Other comments:

9. I can't figure out how to tell if I am running on a Pocket PC or a regular PC on WINCE. wd 'wm' and wd 'qscreen' give accurate screen sizes but that doesn't seem like a good way to tell.

10. One thing I am doing is putting a lot of stuff onto a storage card and on LAN. I can't figure out how to get those folders to show up for the file menu. I can access them with the normal J file conjunction and also can access them through USERFOLDERS. One thing I tried to do was create a shortcut, but I can't find a way to create a shortcut like I can on Windows XP. I can create files of type ".lnk" but they show up as normal files if I specify "all files" and just open the file as a script if I select it.

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