We are considering a change in this area.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joey K Tuttle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Beta forum" <beta@jsoftware.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Jbeta] Unicode and Box Drawing font for Mac

At 23:01  -0700 2006/07/26, Oleg Kobchenko wrote:
I was trying to say that "startup.ijs" should be called
for console too. And that would make the standard
method too hookup custom code.

In your method, you need to modify profile.ijs or
copy two files. At the same time, startup.ijs is
not installed, thus preserved with new installation.
So no editing or moving is required, or at least
copying of just one file.

I agree - that would be nicer. I would be happy to
call my toolkit "startup.ijs" and set my locale in
it. It is a small nuisence to have to either edit
or check that profile.ijs is unchanged in a new
release. Maybe jsoftware can make this minor change
that would make life easier for jconsole users.

- joey
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