Just ran some win64 tests. The lab "System DLLs - file examples" runs fine in win64. This uses the winapi calls such as CreateFile, CloseHandle, DeleteFile, WriteFile, ReadFile, etc. This indicates that winapi calls work just fine with the current J64 j.dll.

A web search on __fastcall hasn't provided much enlightenment.

If there are __fastcall APIs that would be useful to J64 then we can enhance cd to have a __fastcall option. But right now I would want some examples to be sure this was worthwhile.

So the answer to your box on win64 and cd calls is:
cd works fine with Windows API calls (using __stdcall) but may not work with __fascall API's

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <beta@jsoftware.com>
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 8:19 PM
Subject: [Jbeta] 64-bit support for calling libraries from J and calling J Engine from 64-bit clients

I am enjoying learning J (J601p). I am trying to pick a platform (Win64 or
Linux/AMD64) to settle on.

The specific examples for calling a user library or calling J-engine are for Win32 and it isn't clear to me if 64-bit Windows/Linux support is just a documentation issue or if there is missing support in J64. For example the <jroot>\system\examples\data\jdll.h referred to in the docs is Win32
specific; there seems to be no .h file covering the 64-bit J engine C
interface on either Windows or Linux. The documentation for 15!: is also Win32 centric: for example Win64 uses __fastcall not __stdcall and there is
no explicit mention of 64-bit support.

It would help me if the implementors could fill-in this table and indicate
if the support requires just more documentation/headers or
planned/unplanned changes to J.  FWIW, I have no plans to use the COM

|       |  Calling     | Calling                    |
|       |  J64 Engine  | 64-bit DLL/Shared Library  |
|       |  from 64-bit | from J64 using __fastcall  |
|       |  caller      | or AMD64 ABI               |
| Win64 |              |                            |
| Linux |              |                            |
| AMD64 |              |                            |

Joseph Battelle
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