Thought about your points on isigraph focus for a few more minutes and realized the solution is probably already there. If you disable an isigraph control it won't get any events and will perhaps behave the way you wish. Please try some experiments and let me know if you need more.

That is, before the pshow do a:
wd'setenable go 0'
to avoid focus and all other events on the control.

----- Original Message ----- From: "bill lam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Beta forum" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Jbeta] j601rbeta_win.exe

Eric Iverson wrote:
The r beta for Windows is available at:

This beta fixes: viewmat display problem; glqhandles result in print
event for first page; and focus/focuslost issues.

focus changes:

The isigraph focus/focuslost events have been cleaned up for both Jwdw and Jwdp. Previously there were cases where the events weren't triggered
and there were problems vs setfocus and mouse events.

The action of setting focus on an isigraph in a mouse (left, middle,
right) down event is now done automatically by the system. Previously
having to do this with an explicit wd'setfocus g' caused various problems.

On a form with two isigraph controls g0 and g1, where g0 has focus, a
mouse click on g1 will trigger events:

g1 mbldown
go focuslost
g1 focus
g1 mblup

The scripts have not yet been updated to reflect this change. Most of
the uses of setfocus are no longer necessary and will be removed in the
next beta.

In general focus should be handled by the user and the system and should
rarely be done directly in the app with wd setfocus.

IMO, automatic focus change by mouse creates more problems than it solved. Previous behaviour can never restored by user code. Because once focus is lost from a control and transfer to isigraph, although the focus can be switch back by setfocus, but the lostfocus/gotfocus event on the control can not be undone.

Previously, I can use isigraph to simulate a focus-less panel, mouse click on different part of it for mouseclick event and trigger new action. This will not change focus of the orginal controls. On the other hand, pressing button will
change focus to the button, this is what I like to avoid.

When I mouse click on isigraph to get an event, inside the event I create and show another form. Previously the form will be in front of the isigraph. Now the
gotfocus event put the isigraph in the front and hide the form.

Will it be possible to roll back to previous behaviour that mouse click will not
transfer focus?

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