glsel only affects the target of gl commands and doesn't affect anything else. It would not affect the use of an hwnd of an isigraph for wsaasync.

----- Original Message ----- From: "bill lam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Beta forum" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Jbeta] Grid fails on "default gl control" issue

Oleg Kobchenko wrote:
Could you provide more details of your scenario,
where you would not want that to happen.

This could help to revise my understanding about
automatic glsel.

Oleg, I understand automatical glsel is very useful for most cases but it also break codes that uses isigraph not as a picture control. Chris's grid provides
an excellent example that all kinds of magic on isigraph.

eg, in winsock the hwnd of an dummy isigraph (msgsink) is passed to sdasync that will trigger a user event (form_msgsink_mbldown) instead of system socket event.
information sent by WSAAsyncSelect will be decoded from sysdata.

NB. =========================================================

sdasync2=: 4 : 0"0
if. IFUNIX do. 'not implemented under Unix - please use sdselect' assert 0 end.
hwnd=. x.
if. >{.WSAAsyncSelectJ ({.y.);hwnd;16b201;flags do. sdsockerror '' else. 0 end.

NB. this have nothing to do with painting
NB. and there are other isigraph on the same form
form_msgsink_mbldown=: 3 : 0
... decode lparam from sysdata

NB. =========================================================

I did not mean your purposal is wrong, but only it will break some codes and there will be no workaround as glsel is automatic (Similar to autofocus that leads to unpreventable change of focus). As I said, I don't mind auto glsel to
be implemented so long as it can be disabled.

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