This is probably not a J problem, (and is not much of a problem at all) but
when I save a plot in
Enhanced Metafile Format, e.g. pd 'save emf c:\amisc\foo.emf', I get
messages (from Paintshop
Pro) when I open the resulting file telling me that it can't find the font
"arial" and will substitute "Arial"
instead.  I've looked at the (Truetype) font file for Arial and I can't tell
from whence it gets the name.

However, if I replace all occurrences of "arial" by "Arial" in the .emf
file, the message is not
triggered.  E.G.

  ff=. fread '\amisc\foo.emf'
  ]str=. a.{~97 0 114 0 105 0 97 0 108 0   NB. 2-byte characters
  ]strA=. a.{~65 0 114 0 105 0 97 0 108 0
  ff=. (str;strA) multiReplace ff
  ff fwrite '\amisc\fooA.emf'

Devon McCormick
^me^ at acm.
org is my
preferred e-mail
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