On 9/30/07, Joey K Tuttle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Then I can pass in file names, but I don't know how to invoke
> a parameter e.g. -jconsole    is there a way?
> I can't think of a way to do what I want with jwd (i.e. start
> j.app in some directory other than the installation one) - is
> there a way?

In addition to Erik's comment (current directory should just
work for jconsole), I thought you might like to be reminded that if
you set environmental variables (for example, in a shell script),
you can access them from J using 2!:5

Thus, for example, you could set your current working directory
into a CWD environmental variable, and use 1!:44]2!:5'CWD'
inside your jwd session.  (Though I expect you would find it
more convenient to use something like CWD=:2!:5'CWD' and
use that as a prefix on an as-needed basis.)

That said, I imagine it might be nice if jpath_j_ supported
a ~wd prefix which was treated consistently across jconsole
and jwd (I am imagining this would be the startup working directory,
regardless of any use of 1!:44).


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