On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Raul Miller <rauldmil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:43 AM, Eric Iverson <eric.b.iver...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> New version of the 701 beta is at the web site for all platforms (still
>> called abeta, but it is new).
>> Please download and install the new version. Feedback welcome!
> This version apparently still uses port 50000 which has contention,
> instead of one of something else.

Editing the baqtch file was easy enough, but I had to know
to do that.

jal was slow coming up -- some hint that I am expected to wait
would be good there.  It came up with "2.5 version installed
no version at www.jsoftware.com" but also an install button
which seems contradictory.  Clicking the install button
earned me another long wait and finally got me a red
"no version available to install" which made sense.

The demo did not have any ijx links

I think the navigatable links in jfile should have styles
showing that the are clickable (and perhaps different
styles for files than directories).

The labs I tried gave me a value error on smselout_jijs_.

When I defined smselout_jisj_=:smfocus_jijs=:]
the lab s seemed to work.  I have not tried any
labs that use forms.

(to be continued?)

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