I'm giving a talk in Berlin next month on using J to take advantage of
multi-core machines.  Much of what I'm  talking about I've discussed at
NYCJUG over the past five or six months - some of it is on the wiki.

The short message is: the tools are there and it can be done; I've gotten
good results just trying some of the simplest things that occurred to me -
spinning off separate processes on a crude division of work - but it doesn't
come for free.  The title of my paper is "Parallel Processing: Toward a
Practicum" because I find it useful to have specific examples and others may
as well.

I'll have more to present on this after I've given my talk but the basic
material is already out there.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Raul Miller, as <
beta-requ...@jsoftware.com> wrote:

> Hypothetically, jhs (or something similar) would allow
> a person to develop concurrent programs using J.
> Has any one played with this yet?
> Thanks,
> --
> Raul
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Devon McCormick, CFA
^me^ at acm.
org is my
preferred e-mail
For information about J forums see http://www.jsoftware.com/forums.htm

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