On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 8:59 AM, Brian Schott <schott.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My understanding of browser interfaces is that such tessellation of
> frames/windows is not possible by the end user, but if it is I would
> like to know how, please.

You can have multiple browser windows though.  And you can size and
arrange them as you please.

I think the biggest limitation here is the extra real-estate imposed
by the browser itself.  However, chrome minimizes that, and also
it is possible to instruct the browser to open a window without
decorations (using javascript's window.open() method -- though if
you are willing to use that you also have some other options
available to you).

Though, actually, you could make a bookmark and edit.  For
example, change it to:

javascript:window.open(prompt('url'), '_blank',

This lets you type in a url and get a window visiting that url with a
relative minimum of decoration real-estate.  You could also make
multiple bookmarks, replacing
the  "prompt('url')" with whatever url you want (in quotes).    Or instead
of having the bookmark always spawn a new window you could change
the second parameter from '_blank' to some unique name for that
bookmark and the bookmark would then bring the named window to
the front if it were already open...


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