On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 7:34 PM, Doug Ollivier <d...@flipdesign.co.nz> wrote:
> This is a related but not identical note:
> I've been teaching Blender a lot here in New Zealand, it's really picked
> up in recent month.  80 or so students over the last few months.
> Teaching Blender 2.5 takes about 66% of the time of teaching 2.49 which
> is absolutely amazing. However, I still find it interesting to observe
> students to see what goes wrong when they are left to their own devices.
> Clicking the Brush button in the top of the textures panel seems to be
> one of those things that goes wrong for about 10-20% of students.

The Brush panel has changed and the tool panel is collapsed by
default.  I think there will be far fewer problems now.

> I'd also suggest that the outliner could add a new top level grouping
> including a list of brushes, as they seem to be an indipendant entity
> attached to the file as a whole rather than a specific object. This may
> solve the cleaning up of brushes as it would allow instant selection and
> deletion.

That sounds like a good idea to me.

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