
   When I create an EditMesh structure out of a Mesh with make_editMesh()
 it gives me doubled the number of verts and faces than a Mesh

  Why is this?

  for example:

        Mesh *me = ob->data;
        if (!me->edit_mesh) make_editMesh(scene,ob);
        EditMesh *em = me->edit_mesh;

        printf("  EM faces %i  ME faces %i |",em->totface,me-> totface);
        printf("  EM verts %i  ME verts %i | \n",em->totvert, me->totvert);

  I would expect that the editmesh of a mesh should have similar resources
but stored in lined list rather than arrays as it is, but no double
verts/faces of a mesh.

                                                 thanks in advance  farsthary

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