I heard that the free version of Visual Studio (express) are working
OK (the 2008 at least, 2010 I am not sure)
Also the Scope navigation/refactoring tools have made their apparition
in QTcreator quit some time ago. I use it since then as it is
definitely the lightest/quickest. However I don't know if it will be
able to compile correctly on windows.

2010/9/9  <ra...@info.upr.edu.cu>:
> Hello
>  Perhaps this question have raised a million times, I don't want a flame
> wars about preferences, just simple advices.
>  Now that I'm spending lot of time in Blender is time to think about the
> ergonomics of my development that could impact also my productivity, so
> far I have being using SourceNavigator as an IDE and compiling with
> Scons.
>  SourceNavigator is a great tool for making searches in the code (hence
> its name ;) ) but is so 80's and after several levels of searches you
> easily could get lost and comeback is dificult. Also, compiling outside
> the IDE make tracking bugs a 10x more time consuming that should be in a
> full IDE and I could not make use of debugger also :|
>  so, what compiling enviroment do you suggest me?
>  I could use VS 2005 but the projectfiles that Cmake generates me always
> cause me some troubles (I would prefer this if I manage to compile on
> it)
>  CodeBlocks also fill my needs to perform extensive code seraches but
> again, I get libraries troubles, even if they are there O_O!
>  I once use Qt IDE but I could not perform extensive search on it....
>  what about DevC++ and others?
>                                           cheers and thanks in advance
> Farsthary
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